Unused Experience Vouchers can be returned within 30 days for a full refund to the original purchaser, no questions asked.
If you have any unused Experience Vouchers, you can exchange them for anything else in our marketplace, no matter when. If you choose an experience that's more expensive, you'll need to pay the difference, but if you choose one that costs less, you'll receive a credit towards your next booking.
No refunds are allowed once the experience is booked, but you can reschedule up to 48 hours before the class for groups of less than 6 people and 14 days for groups of 6 people or more. To reschedule, contact the experience provider directly. No-shows mean losing the value of your experience. Rescheduling less than 48 hours in advance is subject to a $20 per person rescheduling fee. A minimum of 8 participants is required for the class to run. If the minimum is not met, the provider reserves the right to cancel the class and will make every effort to reschedule customers.