Unused Experience Vouchers can be returned within 30 days for a full refund to the original purchaser, no questions asked.
If you have any unused Experience Vouchers, you can exchange them for anything else in our marketplace, no matter when. If you choose an experience that's more expensive, you'll need to pay the difference, but if you choose one that costs less, you'll receive a credit towards your next booking.
No refunds or rescheduling are allowed once the experience is booked without having to pay fees. Once your booking has been confirmed changes can be made more than 30 days prior to the reservation date for a $50 administration fee. Within 30 days of the reservation date you will be locked in to this date and time – no changes can be made. If you cancel or fail to attend, you will forfeit your entire reservation. There are no refunds for any reason. In the event of inclement weather or situations out of the racing experience’s control, you will be rescheduled or issued a voucher. Vouchers never expire and may be used for any of the nationwide locations. Please note all dates are subject to change.